Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

Some Problems with Red is now back from the binder and available for purchase on my online store.

Above is a close up photo of one of my 2016 new years cards, showing the new Pinwheel Ornaments in action. The ornament set consists of fourteen pieces, designed by me and engraved and cast in metal by Ed Rayher at Swamp Press. The ornaments will feature in my book, Ornamental Digressions, due later this year. In the meantime, I am hard at work on a small, brightly colored book, Some Problems with Red, which will debut at the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair on April 9. Photo: Matt Rieck.

Come celebrate the publication of Linear A to Linear Z at Joe Serrins Studio. Thursday, November 19, from 6:30–9:30. 526 West 26th Street, Studio 916.

Pinwheel Ornaments arrive! On July 6, Annie and I stopped in at Ed Rayher’s Swamp Press & Letterfoundry to pick up 942 sort lines of my Pinwheel Ornaments. The set consists of fourteen different elements, each engraved and cast by Ed from my designs. Over the next year I will work on a specimen book of the ornaments titled, Ornamental Digressions. In 2016 we will offer a special casting of Pinwheel by subscription. Stay tuned.

Interstices & Intersections was recently displayed in the exhibit “Marks of Genius” at Blackwell’s Rare Books in Oxford. It was, coincidentally, the only work in the exhibit made by a living artist.

Diverse Characters: An Exhibition of Letterforms and Books by Russell Maret September 15, 2014–January 23, 2015 • Chang Octagon, Rare Book and Manuscript Department, Butler Library, Columbia University

Come see a selection of my more recent books at Columbia University’s Chang Octagon Gallery. There will be an opening reception at 6pm on Thursday, October 23. 535 West 114th Street, 6th floor.

The first copy of Interstices & Intersections or, An Autodidact Comprehends a Cube has arrived from the bindery! See the book in person at the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair, April 5 & 6, the Altman Building, 135 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10001. Visit for info.

The first couple of months of printing on Interstices & Intersections are moving along well. There are illustrated posts about what has been going on in the studio on my blog.

Editions Schlechter has published a high resolution facsimile of Æthelwold Etc. Buy it here!

I have a few events lined up this fall to break up the intense printing schedule of Interstices & Intersections:

Thursday, September 19th: Ampersand Club, Minneapolis, MN. I will be speaking to the Ampersand Club in Minneapolis. This is open only to Ampersand Club members.

Saturday, October 19th: American Printing History Association’s 2013 Conference, Seeing Color/Printing Color , New York City. I will be delivering a talk titled “Painting with Polymer: Priming, Shading, and Layering in Digital Letterpress.” The talk will focus on my illustration process for Interstices & Intersections, in which I paint illustrations, re-draw them in separations, and then layer them on top of one another on press. You can register and learn more about the conference here.

November 2nd and 3rd: UK Fine Press Book Fair, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK. I will be exhibiting at this year’s Oxford book fair, featuring prints from the upcoming Interstices & Intersections, the new trade facsimile of Æthelwold Etc., as well as other in-print titles.