I have a few events scheduled for this fall:
September 7 • Join me and a jolly group of printers & bibliophiles at the Whittington Open Day & Presstival, Whittington Court, off the A40 outside of Cheltenham, 12:30 pm
September 17 • Join me to celebrate the publication of Character Traits at Maggs Bros., 48 Bedford Square, London, 6:30–9 pm
October 2 • “Against Design: The Work of Peter Koch,” a lecture with reception to coincide with the exhibit, “Embodied Language and the Form of the Book: Peter Koch, Printer. A Forty-five Year Retrospective” at the Grolier Club, 47 East 60th Street, New York City, 6 pm. Open to the public.
October 18 & 19 • I’ll be on two panels at the symposium “The Codex Effect,” at the Grolier Cub, 47 East 60th Street, New York City. Currently sold out.
November 9 • Lecture “Smashing the Crystal Goblet: A Reappraisal of Legibility for Contemporary Private Press Books” at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum annual Wayzgoose in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Register Today!
November 13 • Finally, I’ll be giving a lecture titled, “Character Traits; or, Can the Twentieth Century Please End?” as part of the Type@Cooper Lecture Series at Cooper Union, New York City, 6:30pm. Register today!